I was in Grade 4, when I had a life changing experience. You are going to hear all about it.
It was a stormy Saturday summer afternoon, and I told my mother I was going to go for a walk. Instead I decided to climb out the bedroom window on the second floor. How silly was I?
Very silly. First I pulled the screen out of the window, and then slightly pushed the window open. Next, as I sat on the ledge of the window I noticed it was getting quite stormy and maybe I should have stayed inside. I was right , it was a horrible idea because as I placed my foot on the muddy balcony below the window I slipped. What happened? I was in mortal pain. I was stuck screaming on the balcony lying on top of my arm. If I would have fallen any further, I would have fallen off the balcony. This was just the beginning of my horrible accident.
Everything went blurry for a few moments. My mother was trying to help me out of the window. I am sure it was a traumatizing scene for my mother to see me screaming outside on the balcony under the window. She soon carried me inside as I was crying my lungs out. After my mother cleaned me up and tried stoping my tears, we jumped in the car and headed to the hospital. In the car I was positive I was going to either pass out or die. Nothing bad happend because we arrived at the hospital in time.
As we entered the Grand River hospital, the nurses asked me many questions. But it was difficult for me to answer the questions, because I was tired from crying so hard. Soon they brought me to a tiny room where the doctor would come visit me and see if I was going to be okay. This was our first glimpse of the Grand River Hospital.
The doctor said I chipped a bone in my wrist, and it had moved up my arm. I needed a cast, which is a bandage stiffened with plaster, molded to the shape of my broken wrist. This cast is used to support, protect and heal my wrist for a period of time. Remember this was just the beginning of summer time. I wouldn’t be able to swim, play, dance or horseback ride. It was going to be horrible summer break. No wonder we are not supposed to do silly things in life.
On the other hand there was some good news; my cast was pink, my favourte color ,and everyone got to sign it. It stayed on my arm for 8 weeks.
Now you know about my very unlucky summer of grade 4. I am happy to conclude that I’m no longer wearing a cast anymore, because I stopped climbing out of windows or other risky things.
Life Lesson: Think before you act, because you never how fast things can happen to you. Always try to make the best of a bad experience.
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